It’s Time to Get Rid of the Black Box Model

That said, not all pay-for-performance models are created equal, either. Despite freeing up partners to focus on revenue generation, many large firms…

Strategic Workforce Planning: How to Salvage a Lost Opportunity

Strategic workforce planning (SWP) has taken a long and winding road over the past 15 years and the final destination appears (for most) to be dusty…

How One Company Increased Applications by 400% Per Requisition

A multibillion-dollar technology conglomerate wanted to fuel business growth by improving its talent acquisition rate in a hyper-competitive labor…

Human Resources’ Role in Succession Planning

Five Board Members Provide Practical Advice to HR Organizations Regarding Succession Planning. CEO succession planning and stewardship of the…

How Biases Negatively Impact Your Strategic Planning Process

If you’ve ever been involved in a strategic planning process, you may recall endless meetings, debates, and plan iterations. Although the process is…

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Organizational Restructuring Risks: Five Pitfalls to Avoid

Organizational restructuring risks are significant. Yet, as a leader it is tempting to see organizational restructuring, or changes in organization…

Emergency Succession Planning: Get it Done

Ask any board member whether they have an emergency succession plan and the answer is often, “Yes.” Dig a little deeper and ask, “What's in it?” The…

There Has Never Been a Better Time to Shockproof Your Business

Recently, Maya MacGuineas (President of the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget) said of the US economy, “…when you’re structurally…

What Is Organization Design?

What Is Organization Design? Why Do You Need It? Organization design is the process of identifying the aspects of workflow, interactions, roles and…

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Risks and Rewards of Internal and External CEO Candidates

Internal candidates offer continuity and familiarity, but external candidates bring fresh perspectives and openness to transformation. There is no…

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How to Start Smart With a Talent Marketplace

Launching an internal talent marketplace presents tough challenges. Use one company’s first-year lessons learned on user adoption and change…